Saturday, October 3, 2009


It’s been a hectic month of juggling, punctuated by joyful moments, including cousin Jon and Carley’s visit last weekend. With the Nashville duo, we went apple-picking, explored the UNH campus, and caught up over good food and Niko-cuddles. A highlight was throwing the disc and “macking the weave” at Frisbee Elementary School in Maine, a new state for Carley.

Speaking of frisbee, David is playing Ultimate with CHUM, a coed Maine team whose sideline overflows with children. CHUM placed 5th in the section and is gearing up for Regionals next weekend. Yusi got her own share of exercise hiking Mt. Major and re-committing to prenatal yoga.

Some of Niko's earliest words (circa June 2009):

Niko’s Language “Best Of”s (so far):
  • Most common exclamation: “No Tula!”
  • Most notable exclamation: (Formerly “Go CHUM!” Now…) “Beat wife,” referring to Yusi’s description of the UNH Crew team’s attempt to race up Mt. Major faster than the coach’s wife did when she was in college. To our consternation, Niko delights in saying both “Beat wife!” and “Cars hit you” as loudly as he can in public places.
  • Longest sentence/concept: “Niko bib Daddy chair apple,” reminding us of the previous evening’s adventure of eating an apple whole (instead of cut up) while sitting in "Daddy's" chair.
  • Inklings of the future: “Daddy’s plate” (a rare possessive), other tenses like “threw”/“throwing” and “awake”/”waking”
  • Associations: Papa -> “boat”; Grandpa -> “bobone” (trombone); Sue and Connie -> “Daddy-oo-big” (because Daddy is too big and Mommy is too big but Niko is just right for the antique toddler picnic table that they lovingly refinished for him)
  • Cutest communication: the high-pitched voice Niko uses when he communicates with stuffed animals, puppets, or animated fingers
Finally, drum roll please. According to the ultrasound, Number 2 is…a BOY!

While it’s hard to imagine another little boy as fabulous as Niko, we know that one is indeed on the way (due January 24) and that the two of them together will be lifelong partners.

Here are a few recent videos:

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